Empowering communities' response

GeO and weather multi-risk impact Based Early warning and response systems supporting rapid deploYment of first respONders in EU and beyonD

Our Vision

Revolutionize Disaster Risk Management by pioneering Multi-Risk Impact-based Early Warning System platforms for geo and weather hazards.

Our Αpproach

Empowering communities through the co-creation of adapted tools.

Our Ιmpact

We aspire to develop tools for national, regional and local first responders, and site-specific warnings for communities.

About the


GOBEYOND is an innovation action that will develop and test Multi-Risk Impact-based Early Warning System (MR-IEWS) platforms for geohazards and weather/climate events adapted to support Civil Protection Authorities and first responders in their situational awareness and rapid deployment in Europe, countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), and beyond.

For this end, GOBEYOND will capitalise on the legacy of EWS for high-impact geo and weather/climate events, and on the impact-forecasting algorithms from previous projects of the consortium. GOBEYOND will identify most innovative algorithms for geohazards and incorporate them with available weather/climate impact-based algorithms into a common IEWS. These algorithms will be integrated with high-resolution vulnerability, exposure and risk information at regional and local levels to describe the severity of the hazards in terms of the expected socioeconomic impacts to evolve towards a real-time DSSs.

MR-IEWS will be co-designed in a participatory framework in which authorities, citizens, and civil society representatives can feel listened to, and actively engaged in co-design and co-creation roles.

GOBEYOND at a glance






Regional demonstrations


Municipalities demonstrations

01. Impact-based EWS

Impact-based EWS for geo and weather/climate hazards

02. Multi-Risk EWS

From Multi-Hazard to Multi-Risk Impact-based EWS

03. Co-design

Co-design MR-IEWS with authorities and first responders

04. International scale

International scale MR-IEWS for Europe and the Union for the Mediterranean

05. Demonstrations

Demonstrations in an operational environment

06. Scalability

Scalability to implement globally



Andalusia region


Attica region


Campania region


Province of AI Hoceima


Swiss Canton


Municipal demonstration

5 EU cities

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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