
DeliverableDeliverable NameWPDissemination levelFile
D1.1Report on the most relevant methodologies and technologies for enhancing the response capacity to geo and weather events.WP1PU - PublicComing Soon
D1.2Report on the most relevant methodologies and technologies for enhancing situational awareness and communication during geo and weather eventsWP1PU - PublicComing Soon
D1.3 Report on the recommended methodologies and technologies to enhance the response capacity to geo and weather events to be integrated in the GOBEYOND platforms.WP1PU - PublicComing Soon
D2.1Report on the conclusions on needs and requirements and lessons learnt by the LLs.WP2PU - PublicComing Soon
D2.2Report on the pre-selected types of solutions for the MR-IEWS platform.WP2PU - PublicComing Soon
D2.3Co-designed functionality specifications for the MR-IEWS platforms.WP2SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.1First version of the MR-IEWS processing core.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.2First version of the EW4EUrope platform.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.3First version of the EW4MED platform.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.4Intermediate version of the EW4EUrope platform ready to be showed in WS2.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.5Intermediate version of the EW4Med platform ready to be showed in WS2.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.6Final version of the MR-IEWS processing CORE.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.7Final version of the EW4EUrope platform.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D3.8Final version of the EW4MED platform.WP3SEN - SensitiveN/A
D4.1Multi-level coordination tools and strategies.WP4SEN - SensitiveN/A
D4.2Report on the site-specific warnings implementation.WP4SEN - SensitiveN/A
D4.3Report on the prototypes performance during the demonstrations.WP4SEN - SensitiveN/A
D4.4Final version of the demonstrations improved prototypes.WP4SEN - SensitiveN/A
D5.1Report on the training activities and feed-back from pilot site users.WP5PU - PublicComing Soon
D5.2Report on the demonstrations: success stories and lesson learnt.WP5PU - PublicComing Soon
D5.3Recommendations from pilot-site authorities and stakeholders.WP5PU - PublicComing Soon
D5.4Life test of MR_IEWS capabilities on disasters out of the pilot sites.WP5PU - PublicComing Soon
D6.1Innovation Exploitation and Market uptake Plan.WP6SEN - SensitiveN/A
D6.2Innovation Prize, with implementation plan in the MR-IEWS.WP6SEN - SensitiveN/A
D6.3AAP with business plans for targeted ecosystems.WP6SEN - SensitiveN/A
D7.1Data Management Plan.WP7PU - PublicComing Soon
D7.2Communication and dissemination Plan.WP7SEN - SensitiveN/A
D7.3Results from the first Workshop.WP7PU - PublicComing Soon
D7.4Results from the second Workshop.WP7PU - PublicComing Soon
D7.5Compilation of the produced videos.WP7SEN - SensitiveN/A
D7.6Final report on dissemination and communication activities.WP7PU - PublicComing Soon
D8.1First supervision and recommendations report by the Advisory Board.WP8SEN - SensitiveN/A
D8.2Second supervision and recommendations report by the Advisory Board.WP8SEN - SensitiveN/A
D8.3Final supervision and recommendations report by the Advisory Board.WP8SEN - SensitiveN/A

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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