Who are are


Meet the GOBEYOND Team

We are a dedicated team of experts and innovators committed to revolutionizing Disaster Risk Management (DRM) through cutting-edge technology and collaborative efforts. Our multidisciplinary team brings together professionals from various fields, including meteorology, geophysics, data science, and social sciences, to address the complex challenges posed by natural hazards.

As a consortium, we draw on a wealth of experience gained from participating in numerous projects and initiatives related to DRM, weather forecasting, and geohazard monitoring. The consortium brings together top research institutions, international lead operational hydrometeorological forecasting services and enterprises already delivering DSS services including impact-based forecasts and impact-based warnings adapted to regional/local authorities.




CRAHI (Center of Applied Research in Hydrometeorology) is an innovation center associated with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC), a public institution dedicated to higher education and research in the fields of engineering, architecture and science and one of the leading technical universities in Europe. CRAHI focuses its activities on developing algorithms and hydrometeorological models to support decision-making in the field of weather-induced emergencies, climate change adaptation and water management. It has extensive experience in developing operational impact-based EWS and DSS for Civil Protection Authorities, at local, regional and European level.


ECMWF is both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service, producing global numerical weather predictions and other data for our member and co-operating states and the broader community. ECMWF has one of the largest supercomputer facilities and meteorological data archives in the world. Other strategic activities include delivering advanced training and assisting the WMO in implementing its programmes. We are a key player in Copernicus, the Earth Observation component of the European Union’s Space programme, offering quality-assured information on climate change (Copernicus Climate Change Service), atmospheric composition (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service), flooding and fire danger (Copernicus Emergency Management Service), and through the EU's Destination Earth initiative, we are developing prototype digital twins of the Earth.


The University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), located in Naples, Italy, is one of the oldest universities in the world. UNINA offers a wide array of study and research programs across various fields including sciences, engineering, humanities and many others. It is a hub for numerous cutting-edge research centres and laboratories. Among those, the Seismological Laboratory of the Department of Physics “E. Pancini” which is among the worldwide leading groups in the development of methods and technologies for real-time, automated seismic monitoring and earthquake early warning systems and the PLINIVS Study Centre which is a National Competence Centre on Volcanic Risk for the Italian Civil Protection.


BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s leading public institution for Earth Science applications for the management of surface and sub-surface resources with a view to sustainable development. Under partnerships with numerous public and private stakeholders, BRGM focuses on scientific research, expertise and innovation. Its activity meets 4 objectives: understanding geological phenomena and related risks, developing new techniques and methodologies, producing and distributing data for surface, subsurface and resource management, providing the tools required to manage the surface, subsurface and resources, prevent risks and pollution, and manage policies in response to climate change.


Predict Services’ business core is risk prevention and management. Our goal is to support citizens, companies, local authorities and crisis management services in France and abroad in their decision-making process: before, during and after a risk phenomenon. We assist our users to anticipate and manage risky weather phenomena through planning, training and preventive information dissemination. The quintessence: planning for crisis management and risk anticipation in order to better react, collectively. In a context where the need for resilience devices to cope with climatic hazards continues to grow all over the world, PREDICT Services is actively working on the solutions of tomorrow.

Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions

Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions - Hyds- is a dynamic company offering innovative solutions in hydrometeorology that meet the challenges of the real world, based on a constant technology transfer from leading research centers and continuous dialogue with end-users, scientists, and clients. Hyds offers a suite of innovative services -Argos- that help society, companies, public and administrative sectors, minimize the effects of weather impact on population, assets, activities. etc.. Argos family of EWS and DSS helps users to move from reactive emergency response to a pro-active management in the Disaster Resilience Management.


DRAXIS focuses on developing real life environmental ICT solutions and providing specialized environmental consultation services. The company uses, combines and integrates remote sensing technologies, compound algorithms, GIS and other datasets to build multi-functional web-based information systems, mobile applications, crowdsourcing platforms, workflow-based digital services and other software solutions mainly in the fields of climate change, air quality, energy and circular economy.


Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua (AMAYA) is a public agency, attached to the Regional Government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía), which provides essential services on environment and water in this region, particularly for the declared emergency situations and mostly dealing with forest fires but also with other civil protection emergencies. Its purpose is to conduct, by itself or through public or private subsidiary entities, activities related to protection, conservation, regeneration or improvement of environment and water.


Remote sensing of Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases (ReACT) is the Atmospheric Remote Sensing (RS) Research Unit operating under the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA). We are a team of highly motivated scientists in Atmospheric Science, including postdoctoral researchers, Ph.D. students, and technical staff. ReACT aims to promote world-class research on the Mediterranean climate and the regional processes that cause extreme weather. It combines ground-based and space-borne remote sensing with theoretical models to comprehend the complex interactions between aerosols, clouds, and radiation in the Mediterranean.


The Attica Region and the Independent Directorate of Civil Protection play a crucial role in safeguarding the entire Attica region throughout the disaster management cycle. Responsible for overseeing regional resilience, they regularly conduct civil protection exercises addressing various hazards like wildfires, floods, and earthquakes. Collaborating with practitioners and technological partners enhances their preparedness and response capabilities. Additionally, the State-of-the-Art Civil Protection Operations Center, under the Attica Region's Independent Directorate of Civil Protection, is a versatile asset. Operating as a centralized hub for strategic decision-making and resource coordination, it offers effective emergency management and response capabilities. Its adaptability allows customization for the proposed project, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient approach to disaster management.


The Hellenic Rescue Team (HRT) is a volunteer non-profit Search and Rescue organization, whose members have participated in missions since 1978. With 34 branches all over Greece and a potential manpower of 2000 highly trained volunteers, HRT is active in mountain, water and urban (earthquake, flood, forest fire) SAR operations, in Greece and abroad. The organisation is acknowledged by the Civil Protection Authorities, both in Greece and the EU. HRT is a member of the UN-INSARAG, the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF), World Mountain Rescue Federation (ICAR) and International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation (IRO).


The Municipality of Setúbal, represented in this project by its Civil Protection Service, is an organization with responsibilities in terms of local development, such as education, social action, basic sanitation, urban planning, culture and civil protection. Setúbal is located 40 km south of the Portuguese capital. With a resident population of 123 thousand inhabitants, in its territory, which includes two protected natural areas, an industrial area is located with seven facilities classified under the European SEVESO Directive. For over twenty years, Setúbal's Municipal Civil Protection has been carrying out an extensive work studying and planning the response to adverse meteorological phenomena and other natural events.


The vfdb is a leading association dedicated to protection, rescue, and safety. With over 3,000 individual members and 500 corporate members, it serves as an expert network addressing current and future safety issues. The organization fosters dialogue through expert presentations, working groups, and conferences. It actively contributes to public debates, engages in research and development, and collaborates with other professional associations. The vfdb promotes innovative products and processes, striving to improve safety in everyday life and industry. Their commitment to safety is evident through their extensive membership and contributions to the field.

ICES Foundation

The ICES Foundation is an independent, non-political and non-commercial Geneva-based Swiss Foundation, established in 2010. Our mission: integrate the vast pools of knowledge contained within today's multitude of scientific and socio-economic specializations and to develop next generation 'holistic' modeling, simulation, visualization and AI/ML tools that accurately depict the medium and long term future direction of planet Earth. We operate QLARM - an earthquake loss estimating service, which provides pro bono alerts specifying numbers of fatalities and injured for first responders, civil defense and government officials within less than an hour following damaging earthquakes anywhere on the planet.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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