Campania region








Adapted version of the GOBEYOND W4EUrope platform


The CPA of the Pozzuoli municipality


Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions


A Living Lab promoting the engagement and participation of citizens will be set up in the Pozzuoli municipality and advanced systems for bi-directional communication will be implemented and tested.


1) The CPA of the Pozzuoli municipality (POZZ) will test an adapted version of the municipal MR-IEWS. Specific attention will be given to evaluate how the impact forecasting products can support the activation of their already developed response protocols and inform the population.
2) The advanced seismic network for earthquake detection and alert deployed and operated in the volcanic area by the National Institute of Volcanology and Geophysics will be the core infrastructure for earthquake EW and rapid response in the occurrence of potential damaging earthquakes during the pre-eruptive phase. The MR-IEWS will automatically process the first signals detected, evaluate the expected impact (in terms of strong ground shaking, and potential damage and loss) over a large area in and around the caldera, and broadcast the SSWs to the Pozzuoli municipality, and to a restricted sample of end-users through a dedicated cell phone app. Shakemaps will be evaluated and an estimation of damage and loss impact using a dedicated version of QLARM will be calculated. This information will be released to the Pozzuoli municipality to support the rapid deployment and safety actions.

Consortium partners

• Technical support & Workshop organizer: UNINA (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
• Developer: HYDS (Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

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